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Sanctuary & both halls

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Dimensions: 16metres x 32metres (with high ceiling)


Chairs In Rows (theatre style) – 300
Cabaret style – 150
Market place events – 30 tables

To observe covid social distancing rules numbers will be considerably less.

This space will be ideal for a training event, conference or larger concert.

Please note that for fire safety our maximum occupancy is 400 this would include performers for a concert, or the general public for a marketplace event.

There is a raised dias at the front, and an integral sound and visual system (projectors are ceiling mounted & project onto white walls at both sides of the sanctuary).

We have a variety of table sizes – please ask at time of booking.

For Concerts

When designing The Crossing a great deal of thought was put into acoustics and how we could maximise the impact on the audience: our high ceilings and crisp walls are all part of the plan to produce a quality performance.

The concert hall (Sanctuary, Epworth, Calvin) is made up of three sections separated by movable partitions allowing you the choice of something intimate or an event for up to 350 members of the audience. When the hall is fully open we have a 1.4 second reverberation time whether it results from a choir, orchestra, a championship brass band, instrumental or vocal soloist..

In-House Instruments

We are home to a recital standard 3-manula draw stop Makin Westmorland organ, brought to life by superb international recitalists including the renowned Carlo Curley.

A 1927 9' Bechstein Model E concert grand piano is pride of place having been completely rebuilt thanks to the generosity of local music lovers, Nottinghamshire County Council, Bassetlaw District Council and Arts Council England.

Other benefits

For the performer we have ample changing and holding facilities giving them space to prepare and rest during intervals.

Our volunteer catering team can be requested to provide refreshments during an interval.

The Crossing Methodist & United Reformed Church
Registered Charity No. 1140500
Minister: Revd Julie Coates
Deacon: Emily Hoe-Crook

Get In Touch

01909 473375

The Crossing Church & Centre
Newcastle Street
S80 2AT

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© 2025 – the crossing church & Centre